I was always fascinated by this bridge since the time I landed in Kochi. and this fascination hasn't dimmed as yet. In fact I'm fascinated and amused by most things around me and I consider it a good thing in retrospect. I love this old Thevara bridge especially because a train track (bridge) runs alongside and also because it offers a magnificent view of the channel. I resented the building of the new bridge and was happy that it took almost eight years to build. So anyway, I always wondered how it would feel to be passing on the bridge with a train chugging beside you. The train has to go really slow because the bridge is very old and doesn't have railings. Found that out the other day when a train was crossing the bridge. We literally felt the vibrations even though we were on the road bridge. Now, that the new bridges have opened up, they have closed the old bridge for people and evening finds many people indulging in fishing from this br...
A blog about places that I've been to. Interspersed with personal experiences and photographs.